Lymland (SWE) & seenandnotseen - Konzert & Visuelles


11. Oktober 2023    


SpecOps network
Aegidiimarkt 5 (Innenhof), Münster, 48143

Lymland and Tilman Dominka

Lymland is a band from Malmö, playing instrumental music.
Tilman Dominka is a photographer from Germany.
Together they are touring with a kind of a slide show set, accompanied by music, this autumn.

Lymland is a duo. Built up by synthesizers, tape echoes and guitars they create a world of their own,
releasing five records since their debut album Ensamtidsroman (2012).

Tilman Dominka takes photographs presented on his website Seen and not seen. He has had several exhibitions
in Germany and has also worked with live visuals for bands, such as Solander.

Lymlands latest album Drömfångar was released in 2022 with artwork from Tilman Dominka.
The collaboration takes on new audiovisual levels with this upcoming live performance.


Hutkonzert: heißt > gib, was du möchtest > der Hut soll schön schwer werden, aber nur rascheln und nicht klimpern 🎶